Sunday, 10 May 2015



Long hard struggle and sacrifice resulted in emergence of Asian State named as Pakistan, means Land of Pure. However patriots and idealist sacrificed their lives and gave everything they had so that Muslims could live peacefully and practice their religion freely. Ultimately after strong faith, determination and extraordinary leadership, on 14th August, 1947, Pakistan emerged on the map of the world. The people of Pakistan fought for a state so that they could practice their religion freely and peacefully but they got more than they expected, a country with a great Geographical location.

Pakistan is located at 26.5 to 37 degree North Latitude and 61 to 78 degree East Longitude. Pakistan is resource rich country, A land of four Season, has 2nd highest mountain known as K-2, An important logistic hub of transit sea trade, Significant Neighbours, World third most sexiest men!! and many more.

Karakoram Highway
On its North is China, The upcoming World Economic Power and a great friend of Pakistan. Pakistan extended their friendship and changed it in the shape of 'Karakoram Highway', a highway which connects Pakistan and China more specifically it joins Abbottabad of Pakistan and Sinkiang Uighur of China. which goes through the Karakoram Mountain range and the Khunjrab Pass located on approximately 4693 meters above the sea level. It joins Xinjiang of China and Gilgit-Baltistan of Pakistan. This road is very popular among tourist. Due to its height, Elevation and the condition in which it was constructed it is referred to be The Eight Wonder Of The World. This Highway was constructed to show friendship between the two countries in 1959 and opened for the public in 1979 after its completion. Later on in 21st century, these two countries laid the foundation of Gwader sea port. 

Towards West is Afghanistan, a resource rich country and landlocked state. Pakistan has always tried to help Afghanistan with the good will. The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is Called Durand Line which is approximately 2,257 meters long. Historical Khyber pass joins Pakistan and Afghanistan. its the same pass from which Alexander the Great and later on Genghis khan came from. 

Wagha Border
Toward East is India, Since the separation of Pakistan there’s been tension in these states regarding Kashmir. They also fought wars in 1965, 1971 and came close to the borders in 1999, Apart from this, there are continuous skirmishes on the Line of control, where India violates the seize fire,  many deaths have been reported in the past few years as well. Pakistan and India both trying to resolve this situation and when this situation is going to be resolved, Pakistan and India both will be benefited from each other significantly.

Arabian sea lies to the south of Pakistan and it is the most important part of Pakistan regarding the trade route. Pakistan is the most important logistic hub of transit trade. After
Gwadar Port
the construction of Gwadar port, its importance has been increased ten fold. On the North-West of Pakistan, there lies a number of land locked countries and its sea route is the closest to them. During the Operation by American forces in Afghanistan, Maximum NATO supplies went through Pakistan. If These countries agrees to join themselves with a highway, Pakistan would give them the shortest rout to the sea which would save a lot of money. Pakistan also have an Island called as Manora. The one and only Island but famous among the tourist from all over the world.

Pakistan is The gateway to the central Asia oil and energy game. It is the the only Muslim country with Nuclear power. Pakistan is the most important link of all the Muslim countries. Pakistan intelligence agency ISI, is  world number one intelligence agency. Pakistan is the resource rich country and has The most important Geographical Location.

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